
Detailed Information of Equipment(Job Request)

Equipment and Job Request Information
Affiliation Institute of Medicine Core Facility
Category Biocompound Analyzers
Equipment (Job Request) Microchip type electrophoresis device (Bioanalyzer)
Supplier (Equipment type) Agilent Technologies (2100 Bioanalyzer)


The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system applies semiconductor technology and is the microchip type electrophoresis device which incorporated analysis processes such as infusion, dyeing, separation, and the detection of the sample on the glass tip.

In conventional methods, making of the gel, electrophoresis, dyeing, and data/image processing were performed in separate devices. Using 2100 Bioanalyzer, it is possible to analyze 10-12 sample within 30 minutes successively by 1 microchip. There is almost none of the trouble of the disposal of gel and dyeing agent and the maintenance of the device, too.

Electrophoresis of RNA, DNA and protein is possible just to change the kind of the microchip. Particularly, it is the device which is indispensable for the check of the quality and resolution degree of RNA by microarray and the real-time PCR experiment. In late years it is used for the quality check of the sample for the next-generation sequencer.

Installation date: May 30, 2011
Installation site Room No. 671, Institute of Medicine
Research Accomplishment
Inquiry 利用相談はこちらより必要事項をご記入の上、お問い合わせください。
機器担当者 担当者:秋山
Shared Use Rate
単価 A: 2,210 円 / ラン