
Detailed Information of Equipment(Job Request)

Equipment and Job Request Information
Affiliation Laboratory of Sports Medicine, Institute of Medicine
Category Biocompound Analyzers
Equipment (Job Request) MiniSeq (Next Generation Sequencer)
Supplier (Equipment type) Illumina


This is Illumina's next-generation sequencer MiniSeq. This sequencer mainly has been used for a panel sequence (amplicon sequence, capture sequence). This model has well used for panel sequences in the field of cancer research. The number of reads that can be also used for other bacterial RNA sequences and ChIP sequences, can be obtained. Up to 50 million leads can be acquired in terms of paired ends. The amount of data can be acquired from 2.4Gb to 7.5Gb. The operation of this model is carried out with the support of Rhelixa Co., Ltd. This menu displays only the device usage fee. There are additional costs for data acquisition, such as library preparation, DNA library purification, and rankit purchase.
Installation site Room No. 236, Institute of Medical Sciences
Research Accomplishment
Inquiry 利用相談はこちらより必要事項をご記入の上、お問い合わせください。
機器担当者 担当者:菅澤
Job Request Rate
97,670 Yen / run