
Detailed Information of Equipment(Job Request)

Equipment and Job Request Information
Affiliation Chemical Analysis Div., Research Facility Center for Science and Technology
Category Electromagnetic Analyzers
Equipment (Job Request) Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope FLUOVIEW FV1000-D
Supplier (Equipment type) OLYMPUS FLUOVIEW (FV1000-D)


A laser beam is directed at a sample and transmission and fluorescent images with a high spatial resolution in two dimensions (XY) and three dimensions (XYZ) are acquired. The acquired images are used for the measurement of the spatial distribution and dynamic behavior of organic, inorganic and fluorescent substances in the sample. This high-precision, high-resolution system detects a fluorescent signal excited by the laser beam only on the focal plane, making it possible to continuously acquire high-resolution XY tomographic images and analyze three-dimensional structures. The localization of detected molecules in the cell/tissue can be evaluated more accurately by superimposing tomographic images with transmission images (differential interference contrast images). It can also perform photic stimulation and imaging at the same time and, for example, allows visualization of the functions of proteins in living cells in photobleaching. In addition, this system can perform two-dimensional (XY) plus time-scan (XYT) measurements and two-dimensional (XY) plus wavelength-scan (XYλ) measurements.

The features of FLUOVIEW-FV1000-D are the following:
・ High stability, long life and low running costs have been achieved by the use of a diode laser (LD).
・ The LD used allows a wide range of imaging from blue to near-infrared fluorescence imaging (laser wavelength: 405, 473, 559, and 635 nm)
・ Microscope: IX81-ZDC (inverted with focus correction)
・ Laser scanning method: galvano mirror x 2
・ Object lens: UPLSAPO; 10X, 20X, 40X (Dry), UPLSAPO; 60X (oil), 60X (H2O), 60X (silicone oil)
・ Scanner reflection type, deflector fluorescence 4 CH, transmission 1 CH
・ Motor-operated state, sample stage (a thermoplate with temperature control)

Date of installation: May 1, 2010
Installation site Research Facility Center for Science and Technology,Chemical Analysis Division 201
Research Accomplishment
Inquiry 利用相談はこちらより必要事項をご記入の上、お問い合わせください。
機器担当者 担当者:瀧澤
Shared Use Rate
単価 A: 1,580 円 / 30分