
Detailed Information of Equipment(Job Request)

Equipment and Job Request Information
Affiliation R&D Center for Innovative Material Characterization (IMC)
Category Electron Microscopes
Equipment (Job Request) (Advanced SEM)CD-SEM - Advanced CD Measurement SEM CS4800
Supplier (Equipment type) Hitachi High-Technologies (CD-SEM - Advanced CD Measurement SEM CS4800)


The Advanced CD Measurement SEM CS4800 provides high-quality SEM imaging, improved measurement precision, and fast, automated operation, designed to improve productivity and operating efficiency of existing manufacturing lines and increase process control capability mainly for semiconductor or electronic devices. The CD-SEM: CS4800 can be configured to handle two different wafer sizes that can be switched by the users using to a wafer-transfer system.

Measurement Precision :1 nm (3σ)
Wafer size: 100, 150, and 200 millimeters in diameter
Auto-loader: 2 ports
Installation site Project and Research Building 105
Research Accomplishment
Inquiry 利用相談はこちらより必要事項をご記入の上、お問い合わせください。
機器担当者 担当者:塔村
Shared Use Rate
単価 A: 5,050 円 / 30分