
Detailed Information of Equipment(Job Request)

Equipment and Job Request Information
Affiliation Chemical Analysis Div., Research Facility Center for Science and Technology
Category Electrochemical Analyzer
Equipment (Job Request) Electrochemical Analyzer 660A-G
Supplier (Equipment type) ALS (660A-G Electrochemical Analyzer)


This is a highly versatile electrochemical analyzer that allows various types of voltammetry, amperometry and coulometry. This instrument has built-in high-speed digital function generator, high-speed data sampling system, potential current signal filter, second gain stage, iR compensation circuit, potentiostat, and galvanostat. The potential control range is ±10 V and the current range is ±250 mA.
Date of installation: January 31, 2000
Installation site Research Facility Center for Science and Technology,Chemical Analysis Division 201
Research Accomplishment
Inquiry 利用相談はこちらより必要事項をご記入の上、お問い合わせください。
機器担当者 担当者:佐藤
Shared Use Rate
単価 A: 1,390 円 / 30分