
Detailed Information of Equipment(Job Request)

Equipment and Job Request Information
Affiliation Chemical Analysis Div., Research Facility Center for Science and Technology
Category Spectrophotometers
Equipment (Job Request) Visible-Ultraviolet–Near Infrared Spectrophotometer UV-3100PC
Supplier (Equipment type) Shimadzu (UV-3100PC)


This is an instrument where light is directed at a sample solution by continuously varying the wavelength of the light in the range of 190 to 3200 nm and quantitative and qualitative analysis of compounds is performed based on the absorption spectrum of the solution. This measurement requires about 5 ml of sample solution. Usually, its concentration is about 1 to 100 mg/ml. Different types of organic solvents, water and sulfuric acid can be used as the solvent.
Date of installation: March 10, 1995
Installation site Research Facility Center for Science and Technology,Chemical Analysis Division 207
Research Accomplishment
Inquiry 利用相談はこちらより必要事項をご記入の上、お問い合わせください。
機器担当者 担当者:(主)佐藤
Shared Use Rate
単価 A: 1,340 円 / 30分